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Access disaster relief services and tips on ensuring your health and safety.
Look up public safety information and receive support if you are a victim of a crime or disaster.
Access disaster relief services and tips on ensuring your health and safety.
Are you a victim of crime? CalVCB can help with bills and expenses that result from crime.
Check the database to get information about registered sex offenders by location.
Search for information about inmates in custody, including location and admission date.
by Department of Health Care Access and Information
The Small and Rural Hospital Relief Program (SRHRP) provides grants to qualified small, rural and Critical Access hospitals for the purpose of funding seismic safety compliance projects. The Alfred E. Alquist Hospital Facilities Seismic Safety Act requires that hospitals be constructed to remain open and safely provide services to the public after an earthquake. The SRHRP supports qualified small, rural and Critical Access hospitals by providing state grant funding and technical assistance to help meet safety standards and preserve access to general acute care for the communities they serve.
Launch service : Apply for a Seismic Safety Grantby California Victim Compensation Board
Were you a victim of crime? The California Victim Compensation Board (CalVCB) can help. We can help pay bills and expenses that result from crime. Crime survivors who have been injured or have been threatened with injury may be eligible.
Launch service : Apply for Compensation for Crime-Related Expensesby California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
Burn permits are available online and from CAL FIRE stations, for those burning within the State Responsibility Area. Be sure to check that you are both within the State Responsibility Area and that burning is currently allowed in your location prior to obtaining a permit. For information and permits required outside the SRA / CAL FIRE jurisdiction, contact your local city/county fire authority and regional air district. Violations of any Burning Permit Terms are a violation of State Law.
Launch service : Burn Permitby California Earthquake Authority
Use the CEA Premium Calculator for a free CEA California residential earthquake insurance premium estimate. To purchase a CEA policy, you must contact a participating residential insurer.
Launch service : Calculate Your Earthquake Insurance Premiumby California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
California Incarcerated Records and Information Search (CIRIS) results include name, CDCR number, age, current location, commitment counties, admission date, Board of Parole Hearing dates and outcomes for incarcerated persons currently in CDCR custody
Launch service : California Incarcerated Records and Information Searchby Department of Insurance
The Senior Gateway is a one-stop website intended to provide seniors, their families, and caregivers with the information they need to connect to helpful services and resources, to find answers, and solve problems. Find information on such topics as: -Avoiding and Reporting Abuse & Neglect -Preventing Fraud, Financial Abuse & Common Scams -Health Care Information -Your Rights -Other Resources Senior Gateway is sponsored by the Elder Financial Abuse Interagency Roundtable (E-FAIR) and hosted by the California Department of Insurance. For more information about E-FAIR please visit the "About Us" page.
Launch service : California Senior Gatewayby Office of the State Fire Marshal
California State Fire Training (SFT) is the OSFM division that establishes, develops, and delivers standardized training and education for the California fire service. The State Fire Training website serves as a valuable resource and a one-stop-shop for all things related to the State Fire Training.
Launch service : California State Fire Trainingby Department of Water Resources
California Water Watch offers the most current local and statewide water conditions down to your region and even your neighborhood. This information is updated dynamically from a variety of data sources. Everyone is welcome to research, learn, and stay informed about California's most precious resource -- water.
Launch service : California Water Watchby California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
Campfire permits are available online or at any CAL FIRE, USDA Forest Service, or Bureau of Land Management facility in California. There are no fees for permits, however they must be available for rangers and other officials to check when camping. Be sure to check local restrictions as campfires may be restricted entirely in areas with a high potential for wildfire.
Launch service : Campfire Permitby Department of General Services
Provides design and construction oversight for K-12 schools and community colleges.
Launch service : Design and Construction Oversight for Schoolsby California Earthquake Authority
Earthquake Warning California is the country’s first publicly available, statewide warning system that could give California residents crucial seconds to take cover before you feel shaking. To receive earthquake warnings, individuals and family members can download the MyShake App and ensure phone settings are adjusted to receive emergency alerts.
Launch service : Earthquake warning in Californiaby Department of Toxic Substances Control
The eVQ System is how hazardous waste handlers file the required ID Number Verification Questionnaire to maintain the active status of their ID numbers.
Launch service : eVQ - Electronic Verification Questionnaireby California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
California Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation interactive map showing all CDCR facility for both adults and juveniles.
Launch service : Facility Locatorby Department of Insurance
Consumers will find help in filing a Consumer Complaint, or an Independent Medical Review Application. Providers will find help in filing a Health Care Provider Complaint, as well as accessing Independent Dispute Resolution Process (IDRP) request forms.
Launch service : File a Complaintby Civil Rights Department
File Discrimination Complaint via CRD's online system. Please create a user account if this is your first time.
Launch service : File Discrimination Complaintby Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
The California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment is establishing this website to provide the public with information on chemicals, products and locations often associated with Proposition 65 warnings. These warnings inform Californians about their exposures to chemicals that cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm.
Launch service : Find harmful chemical warningsby California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
Find information on fires in California.
Launch service : Fire Informationby Office of the State Fire Marshal
The Firewise USA® program, led by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), offers a structured approach for communities to enhance their wildfire resilience in California. This initiative promotes collaborative efforts among residents, local fire departments, and other key stakeholders to bolster the fire resistance of homes and surroundings. Integral to California’s wildfire preparedness strategy, the program is supported by CAL FIRE’s Community Wildfire Preparedness & Mitigation Division, aiding communities in achieving Firewise designation.
Launch service : Firewise USA®by California Earthquake Authority
CEA offers earthquake insurance premium discounts for older houses that have been retrofitted to better withstand earthquakes.
Launch service : Get a Premium Discountby Government Operations Agency
Official website for California Coronavirus (COVID-19) Response daily updates and resources. Stay home - save lives. Find information and services to help you and help others.
Launch service : Get COVID-19 Information and Helpby Office of the Governor
Every Californian, regardless of age, ability, income or language, deserves culturally competent education to prepare for wildfire, flood, earthquake, drought, heatwave and other disasters. Thanks to a continuous investment of public funds by Governor Gavin Newsom and state lawmakers, Listos California engages a statewide network of community-based organizations, Tribal Governments, and Community Emergency Response Teams across the state to boost resiliency, provide accessible in-language information and advance a new culture of disaster preparedness.
Launch service : Get Disaster Relief Assistanceby Office of the State Fire Marshal
The GOVMOTUS system allows for quick and easy payment options for license application fees, license status lookups, complaints, and Building Materials Listings.
Launch service : GOVMOTUSby Department of Toxic Substances Control
The Hazardous Waste Tracking System (HWTS) is the California Department of Toxic Substances Control’s (DTSC) data repository for hazardous waste manifest and ID Number information.
Launch service : Hazardous Waste Tracking Systemby Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
OEHHA responds to inquiries from the public on the health effects of pesticides, including those used to control invasive species. OEHHA also provides educational materials and trainings to health care professionals on pesticide-related illnesses and reporting requirements.
Launch service : Health Effects of Pesticidesby Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
OEHHA publishes a report presenting indicators that track observed changes in the state’s climate and its impacts. Collectively, the indicators portray a statewide picture of climate change in California; reports on how certain Tribal Nations have experienced climate change are also presented.
Launch service : Indicators of Climate Change in Californiaby Office of the State Fire Marshal
Stay in the know with our latest news and information bulletins! Discover what's happening and be the first to catch the latest developments.
Launch service : Information Bulletinsby California Highway Patrol
For up-to-date information on current road conditions, choose from a list of CHP Communication Centers. The contact number below is for non-emergency situations.
Launch service : Locate Current Road Conditionsby California State Legislature
Search California Legislative Information and access California Law and Bill information including Legislative Publications.
Launch service : Look Up a Bill or Lawby Department of Justice
The California Attorney General (OAG) has the duty to collect, analyze, and report statistical data, which provide valid measures of crime and the criminal justice process to government and the citizens of California. The OAG's site contains crime data submitted by county and local law enforcement agencies, as well as current and historical publications on crime, juvenile justice, homicide, and hate crimes in California.
Launch service : Look up Crime Statisticsby Secretary of State
Use this online service to find your State Senate, State Assembly or United States Congressional Representative, as well as information on how you can contact them.
Launch service : Look Up My Representativesby Office of the State Fire Marshal
The Office of the State Fire Marshal is your trusted source for the latest information on recalls related to a wide range of consumer products. Our commitment to safety extends beyond firefighting, encompassing the well-being of our communities in every aspect. Here, you'll find up-to-date alerts and comprehensive details on product recalls, ensuring that you have access to vital information to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your property.
Launch service : Product Recallby Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
A Public Health Goal (PHG) is the level of a chemical contaminant in drinking water that does not pose a significant risk to health.
Launch service : Public Health Goalsby Department of Toxic Substances Control
The Regulatory Assistance Office provides informal guidance regarding the management of hazardous waste, including compliance assistance, information, and research services. This is available to the generators, transporters, and facilities managing hazardous waste, as well as other government entities and the general public. If you can’t find answers to your questions, please contact us for assistance.
Launch service : Regulatory Assistance Officeby Department of Motor Vehicles
Reporting the sale or transfer of a vehicle or vessel to the DMV does not constitute a transfer of ownership. The record is not permanently transferred out of your name until the DMV receives a completed application for transfer of ownership and payment of appropriate fees from the new owner. The vehicle record for International Registration Program (IRP) vehicles with IRP license plate number configurations may be submitted, however, the vehicle record for that license number will not be updated. When this form is properly completed and the information is recorded by the DMV, liability for parking and/or traffic violations and civil litigation resulting from operation after the date of sale becomes the responsibility of the new buyer.
Launch service : Release of Liabilityby Civil Rights Department
All victims and witnesses of hate incidents and hate crimes can report and are eligible for free hotline support services. California vs Hate is not affiliated with law enforcement, and you can report anonymously.
Launch service : Report a Hate Incidentby Department of General Services
Provides risk management and insurance services to state agencies and other public entities.
Launch service : Risk and Insurance Managementby Department of Justice
California's Megan's Law was enacted in 1996 Penal Code § 290.46. It mandates the California Department of Justice (DOJ) to notify the public about specified registered sex offenders. The California Megan's Law Website is a searchable tool to obtain information from the registered sex offender database. The information contained in the database is updated daily by law enforcement.
Launch service : Search for Registered Sex Offendersby Civil Rights Department
A course of videos and quizzes to help employees in the State of California prevent sexual harassment in the workplace
Launch service : Sexual Harassment Prevention Trainingby Department of Health Care Access and Information
HCAI regulates the design and construction of healthcare facilities to ensure they are safe and capable of providing services to the public, and provides finance tools for capital projects. Find information on facilities, building plans and permits, seismic compliance, inspections, construction financing, and more.
Launch service : Start a Building Safety Projectby California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
The Visitation Scheduling Application is an application that is offered as an additional service to help expedite and enhance the visitation process.
Launch service : Visitation Scheduling Application