Request a free California visitor’s guide
Explore the Golden State with trip itineraries for every region of California.
Discover California’s top destinations like state parks, campsites, and museums. Plan trips, reserve campsites, and get licenses for activities.
Explore the Golden State with trip itineraries for every region of California.
Visit California’s state parks, a diverse collection of natural and cultural resources.
Get information for how you can buy a fishing or hunting license in person or online.
Get a license for horse owners, trainers, jockeys, grooms, agents, and officials.
by California Horse Racing Board
Download and fill out applications for horse racing licenses: Owners, Trainers, Jockeys, Grooms, Agents, Officials.
Launch service : Apply for a horse racing licenseby Department of Food and Agriculture
Find a local fair via the Department of Food and Agriculture website, which provides fair dates and information.
Launch service : Find a Fairby Department of Fish and Wildlife
A Hunter Education Certificate is a requirement for obtaining a California Hunting License. Classes are offered throughout the State by more than 1,000 certified volunteer instructors, all dedicated to keeping hunting safe, ethical, and available to all Californians.
Launch service : Find a Hunter Education Courseby Department of Parks and Recreation
Find a State Park near you via the Parks and Recreation website. You can search by name, feature, region, city, county, of alphabetically.
Launch service : Find a State Parkby Department of General Services
Auctions surplus property and state mobile equipment.
Launch service : Fleet and Asset Managementby Department of Fish and Wildlife
Buy a fishing or hunting license in person or online. Online customers must be at least 18 years of age and provide a Visa or MasterCard to make a purchase.
Launch service : Get a Fishing or Hunting Licenseby Department of Parks and Recreation
The California Department of Parks and Recreation manages more than 270 park units, which contain the finest and most diverse collection of natural, cultural, and recreational resources to be found within California. These treasures are as diverse as California itself: From the last stands of primeval redwood forests to vast expanses of fragile desert; from the lofty Sierra Nevada to the broad sandy beaches of our southern coast; and from the opulence of Hearst Castle to the vestiges of colonial Russia.
Launch service : Make a Camping Reservationby Department of Motor Vehicles
The Mobile Drive License (mDL) offers a quick and secure identity-check at airports, without handing over your phone. Speed through TSA at SFO and LAX. Use this service to enroll in the pilot program.
Launch service : Mobile Driver License (DMV Wallet)