Apply for Medi-Cal
Get free or low-cost medical care. Medi-Cal provides health coverage for qualified individuals.
Get health and wellness support for you and your family. Find resources for medical care, nutrition, and senior services.
Get free or low-cost medical care. Medi-Cal provides health coverage for qualified individuals.
Show proof of your vaccinations with digital vaccine records.
Apply for medical insurance via Covered California.
Add to your food budget and get help putting healthy food on the table with the CalFresh Program.
by Department of Health Care Services
Hundreds of hospitals and thousands of doctors, pharmacists, dentists, and other health care providers participate in the Medi-Cal program to provide medically necessary services to members.
Launch service : Access Careby Department of Aging
The California Department of Aging contracts with centers providing day programs for older adults and adults with disabilities as an alternative to institutional care. Centers provide an array of activities and services.
Launch service : Adult Day Health Centersby California Department of Public Health
Apply for Birth Certificate. An authorized, certified California birth certificate can typically be used for travel, passport, proof of citizenship, social security, driver's license, school registration, personal identification and other legal purposes.
Launch service : Apply for Birth Certificateby Department of Health Care Access and Information
HCAI improves healthcare access by providing scholarships, loan repayments, and grants to students, graduates, and institutions providing direct patient care in areas of unmet need. Learn about the loan repayment programs, scholarships, grants, and more.
Launch service : Apply for Loan Repayments, Scholarships, Grantsby Department of Health Care Services
Medi-Cal offers free or low-cost health coverage for Californians who meet eligibility requirements, regardless of immigration status. Most applicants who apply and enroll in Medi-Cal will receive care through Medi-Cal health plans.
Launch service : Apply for Medi-Calby California Health Benefit Exchange
Apply for Medical Insurance via Covered California
Launch service : Apply for Medical Insuranceby Department of Veterans Affairs
The Veterans Homes of California offer affordable long-term care to aged and disabled veterans, as well as their eligible spouses and domestic partners. Learn how to start your application either online or by mail, what documents are required, and how the waitlist for each Home varies.
Launch service : Apply to a Veterans Homeby Department of Health Care Services
Behavioral health generally refers to mental health and substance use disorders, life stressors and crises, and stress-related physical symptoms. Behavioral health care refers to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of those conditions.
Launch service : Behavioral Healthby California Business, Consumer Services, and Housing Agency
Whether it’s a health-related event or a significant financial hardship, COVID-19 has affected us all. As our state continues to recover, we are committed to keeping families housed and recognize that California renters and landlords have enough to worry about. We want to make sure that past due rent isn’t one of them.
Launch service : CA COVID-19 Rent Reliefby California Department of Education
The CA Meals for Kids mobile app helps you find, save, and share nearby California meal sites by searching on a variety of criteria.
Launch service : CA Meals For Kids App (Android)by California Achieving a Better Life Experience
Sign up for tax-free treatment on earnings and withdrawals to pay for disability-related expenses
Launch service : CalABLE Visa Prepaid Cardby Department of Industrial Relations
In California, most workers earn Paid Sick Leave to take time off work to care for themselves or a family member. Read about the different types of Paid Sick Leave below. Paid Sick Leave (PSL) is a permanent law in California that requires employers to provide paid time off to workers for treatment, diagnosis or preventative care for themselves, a family member or a designated person. Starting January 1, 2024, employers must provide at least 40 hours or five days off each year to most workers. This includes full-time, part-time and temporary workers who meet these qualifications: - Work for the same employer for at least 30 days within a year in California, and - Complete a 90-day employment period before taking any paid sick leave
Launch service : California Paid Sick Leave (PSL)by Department of Insurance
The Senior Gateway is a one-stop website intended to provide seniors, their families, and caregivers with the information they need to connect to helpful services and resources, to find answers, and solve problems. Find information on such topics as: -Avoiding and Reporting Abuse & Neglect -Preventing Fraud, Financial Abuse & Common Scams -Health Care Information -Your Rights -Other Resources Senior Gateway is sponsored by the Elder Financial Abuse Interagency Roundtable (E-FAIR) and hosted by the California Department of Insurance. For more information about E-FAIR please visit the "About Us" page.
Launch service : California Senior Gatewayby Department of General Services
Promotes disability access through dialogue and collaboration with stakeholders, including the disability and business communities.
Launch service : Disability Accessby Department of Toxic Substances Control
The eVQ System is how hazardous waste handlers file the required ID Number Verification Questionnaire to maintain the active status of their ID numbers.
Launch service : eVQ - Electronic Verification Questionnaireby Department of Aging
The California Department of Aging contracts with the local Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) that coordinate a variety of services for older adults, adults with disabilities, informal caregivers, and family caregivers. Caregivers can access services such as respite care and training.
Launch service : Family Caregiver Servicesby Employment Development Department
The California State Disability Insurance (SDI) program provides short-term Disability Insurance (DI) benefits to eligible workers who need time off work. You may be eligible for DI if you are unable to work due to non-work-related illness or injury.
Launch service : File for Disabilityby Department of Health Care Services
Medi‑Cal Dental offers free or low-cost dental benefits for enrolled Medi‑Cal members. If your income is more than the Medi‑Cal limit for your family size, a low-cost monthly premium may be required.
Launch service : Find a Dentistby Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
The California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment is establishing this website to provide the public with information on chemicals, products and locations often associated with Proposition 65 warnings. These warnings inform Californians about their exposures to chemicals that cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm.
Launch service : Find harmful chemical warningsby Department of Aging
CDA contracts with partners providing free group meals in congregate settings such as senior centers and with others that deliver free nutritious meals to older adults in their homes. The service also provides nutrition education, nutrition risk screening, and nutrition counseling. Voluntary contributions are welcome but not required.
Launch service : Food & Nutritionby Department of Social Services
The CalFresh program helps to improve the health and well-being of qualified households and individuals by providing them a means to meet their nutritional needs.
Launch service : Food stampsby Government Operations Agency
Official website for California Coronavirus (COVID-19) Response daily updates and resources. Stay home - save lives. Find information and services to help you and help others.
Launch service : Get COVID-19 Information and Helpby California Department of Public Health
If you want to share your proof of vaccination digitally, you can get an electronic version of the record card you were given at time of vaccination. Enter a few details to get a link to a QR code and digital copy of your COVID-19 vaccination record.
Launch service : Get Digital Vaccine Recordby Department of Toxic Substances Control
The Hazardous Waste Tracking System (HWTS) is the California Department of Toxic Substances Control’s (DTSC) data repository for hazardous waste manifest and ID Number information.
Launch service : Hazardous Waste Tracking Systemby Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
OEHHA responds to inquiries from the public on the health effects of pesticides, including those used to control invasive species. OEHHA also provides educational materials and trainings to health care professionals on pesticide-related illnesses and reporting requirements.
Launch service : Health Effects of Pesticidesby Department of Aging
The California Department of Aging contracts with partners providing a variety of services for older adults, adults with disabilities, and caregivers. These include caregiver assistance and help at home, adult day centers, assisted transportation, legal assistance, and information assistance.
Launch service : Home & Community Servicesby Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
OEHHA publishes a report presenting indicators that track observed changes in the state’s climate and its impacts. Collectively, the indicators portray a statewide picture of climate change in California; reports on how certain Tribal Nations have experienced climate change are also presented.
Launch service : Indicators of Climate Change in Californiaby Department of Human Resources
CalHR is responsible for the design, acquisition, and oversight of the statewide employee benefit programs, including dental, vision, flexible spending accounts, wellness and other statewide benefit programs.
Launch service : Learn About Your State Employee Benefitsby Department of Health Care Services
Medi-Cal members have access to a wide range of benefits and services that go beyond the doctor's office or hospital.
Launch service : Medi-Cal Benefitsby Department of Aging
The California Department of Aging contracts with partners coordinating HICAP (Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program), whose volunteers provide free one-on-one information and counseling to older adults and their families on complex Medicare and health insurance related issues.
Launch service : Medicare Counselingby Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
A Public Health Goal (PHG) is the level of a chemical contaminant in drinking water that does not pose a significant risk to health.
Launch service : Public Health Goalsby State of California
This service helps veterinarians and individuals meet the requirements of dogs entering California. You can submit a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) to meet state requirements.
Launch service : Submit a Certificate of Veterinary Inspectionsby Department of Managed Health Care
If your health plan denies, changes or delays your request for medical services, denies payment for emergency treatment or refuses to cover experimental or investigational treatment for a serious medical condition, you can apply for an Independent Medical Review (IMR). You can also file a Consumer Complaint when you have other issues with your health plan. These issues can consist of billing problems, cancellation of coverage, claim and copay disputes, delays in getting an appointment, referral or authorization, access to translation services, finding an in-network doctor, hospital, or specialist, complaints about a doctor or plan and continuity of care. Fill out and submit an IMR/Complaint Form online or call the DMHC Help Center at 1-888-466-2219 for assistance.
Launch service : Submit an IMR/Complaint Formby Department of Industrial Relations
The work to cleanup and rebuild after wildfires must be done in compliance with California's labor laws and workplace safety and health regulations. California's robust worker protections apply to every workplace in the state: - Cal/OSHA workplace safety and health standards requiring employers to identify hazards, train workers on how to prevent unsafe working conditions, provide proper personal protective equipment and injury/illness prevention planning. - Labor laws including minimum wage, overtime, prevailing wage on public works projects, meal & rest breaks, and unfair immigration related practices. - Workers' compensation for work related injuries & illnesses including paid medical treatment and benefits for temporary/permanent disabilities.
Launch service : Worker Safety Wildfire Cleanup and Rebuildingby Department of Industrial Relations
California’s labor laws protect all workers, regardless of immigration status. The Department of Industrial Relations serves all workers in multiple languages and our team does not ask about/track immigration status. If you need to leave California or the United States, you can still contact our office to file a claim. If you are employed in California, your employer must provide a safe workplace and pay all the wages you are owed. If you think an injury or illness is work-related, you may be able to receive workers’ compensation benefits from your employer to pay for medical care and partial wages. Your labor rights allow you to ask your employer about your pay and working conditions. When you exercise your labor rights, it is against the law for your employer to retaliate against you.
Launch service : Workers’ Rights and Employer Responsibilitiesby Department of Health Care Services
Several options exist for youth mental health and substance use treatment and prevention. BrightLife Kids: Provides vital resources, including free coaching, age-tailored educational content, online tools, and care navigation services, to parents, caregivers, and kids 0-12 years old (https://www.hellobrightline.com). Soluna: Provides vital resources, including free coaching, age-tailored educational content, online tools, and care navigation services, to teens and young adults ages 13-25 (https://solunaapp.com). Dyadic Services: Children up to age 5 who are covered by Medi-Cal and their caregivers may qualify for dyadic care (https://cybhi.chhs.ca.gov/workstream/enhanced-medi-cal-benefits-dyadic-services/).
Launch service : Youth Behavioral Health