Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC)

Last updated 11/25/2024

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DTSC’s Mission is to protect California’s people, communities, and environment from toxic substances, to enhance economic vitality by restoring contaminated land, and to compel manufacturers to make safer consumer products.


eVQ - Electronic Verification Questionnaire

The eVQ System is how hazardous waste handlers file the required ID Number Verification Questionnaire to maintain the active status of their ID numbers.

Hazardous Waste Tracking System

The Hazardous Waste Tracking System (HWTS) is the California Department of Toxic Substances Control’s (DTSC) data repository for hazardous waste manifest and ID Number information.

Regulatory Assistance Office

The Regulatory Assistance Office provides informal guidance regarding the management of hazardous waste, including compliance assistance, information, and research services. This is available to the generators, transporters, and facilities managing hazardous waste, as well as other government entities and the general public. If you can’t find answers to your questions, please contact us for assistance.