Calculate Child Support
Launch service
Department website
The California Guideline Child Support Calculator is based on California Child Support Guidelines and can be used to estimate the amount of child support that may be ordered in your case.
Phone: 866-901-3212
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I find out more information about the child support program?
You can find pamphlets about the program and available services in our DCSS Publications.
Is my child support case open to the public?
Child support case information is confidential and not open to the public. However, all documents in court files or county recorder files are public records and can be viewed by the general public.
Where can I find a child support agency near me?
There are over 58 agencies throughout California delivering professional child support services in order to enhance the well-being of children and self-sufficiency of families. Find the nearest agency.
Where can I find more FAQs regarding Child Support?
Visit the Full FAQ
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