Find a Smog Station
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You can search by Station Name, County, City, Postal Zip-Code, or BAR Field Office area. Select the "STAR Certified Stations" box when searching for a STAR certified station.
Phone: 800-952-5210
Frequently Asked Questions
Smog Check Station Types and Services
The Bureau of Automotive Repair (BAR) licenses or contracts with several different types of Smog Check facilities. The various stations are designed to provide consumers with multiple options to meet their needs. The station is required to post a sign on the services it performs.
STAR Stations
STAR stations must meet specified performance standards established by BAR. Some STAR stations are licensed to perform only tests, while others are licensed to perform both tests and repairs. BAR directs a portion of the vehicle fleet to STAR-certified stations for inspection and certification. These are known as "directed vehicles." Additionally, vehicles that fail inspection at very high emissions levels must also receive certification from a STAR-certified station. These vehicles are identified as "gross polluters."
Test-Only Stations
Test-Only stations are licensed by the state to perform Smog Check inspections, but not repairs, on vehicles.
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